The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1808503
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
12-Aug-06 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
"what in hell is the point of banning books?"

Well, there just MIGHT be something hidden in the pages, if you can take it into the toilet and piss on it, it might reconstitute the explosive...

"or drinks and food that can be purchased at the airport after you clear security?"

Ah, well you see, they MIGHT be able to hide dangerous stuff, and sneak it thru the security check, then they will be able to swap the stuff for the water etc...

And were would they hide all this stuff? Why in the very same place that the people who are busy 'protecting' us hide their brains.... and then apparently there are some naughty ladies as well...

Your Government! Thinking with its a*** so you don't have to use your brain...