The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1808549
Posted By: Old Guy
13-Aug-06 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
If the new UN resoultion becomes reality, Hezbollah will loose their stranglehod on Lebanon at least for a while.

China Backs Up Lebanon Resolution

Beijing, Aug 12 (Prensa Latina) China on Saturday called on all parties to respect the ceasefire in the Middle East, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on Friday.

The official spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry welcomed the document, titled Resolution 1701, adding that he expects its content "be implemented by all parties in a tangible way, to resume peace and stability in the region".

Support for Lebanon and condemnation of Israel s attacks has spread to other Asian countries.

In Malaysia, more than 20,000 students staged peaceful protests at six universities to condemn Tel Aviv s atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine, the news agency BERMANA reported.

The students also raised funds to send humanitarian aid to victims of Israel s aggressions, while the secretary of the Aman Palestin Bhd bank, Awang Suffian Awang, urged Malaysians to make donations to palliate the hardship and suffering of the Lebanese and the Palestinian peoples.

Meanwhile, Indonesia donated more than one million dollars to the victims of the bloody conflict in Palestine and is preparing another one-million-dollar package to assist the victims of Israel s attacks on Lebanon.

Indonesia also decided to send a 900-strong military contingent to join the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon, while neighboring Malaysia and Brunei made a similar decision.

The 15,000-strong multinational peacekeeping force will be deployed in southern Lebanon in compliance with Resolution 1701 of the UN Security Council, approved on Friday by all 15 member countries of that international body.