The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1808875
Posted By: Slag
13-Aug-06 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
If Soviet Communism had the religious ferver of the Islamo-Fascists and if they hadn't run up against a hardballer like Regean we might still be playing dominos. The Lenin-Marx doctrine had the same imperative by the same means as Islam, i.e. conquer (convert) all and the ends justify the means.

Re history: On an individual basis each one of us is the sum total of our remembered experiences. History teaches us everything if we will only allow it. Instead, foliedave, some of us want to overlay it with our idealism. I remember a news story where some animal lovers decided to interrupt a bull fight in Spain. They entered the arena and sat down in protest. They were El Toro's freind so they knew the bull would not hurt them. WRONG! They did not believe their history. They paid the price. You need to study history a little closer, especially the history of warfare, as distasteful as that maybe.

As for not being a pork-eater? Explain that to them. Ever hear of guilt by association? Did you watch the fair trial of Mr. Berg just befor he was beheaded? Good luck. Or, hey! You are probably a clever fellow. Maybe you could convert now and get on the winning side (believe me, lines HAVE been drawn). I'm sure they will welcome you. They can probably find you some small jobs to do, maybe even send you on a mission. Did you ever get in a fight at school? Did you just stand there and get the shit beat out of you? Or did you fight back, regardless of the provocation? If you were a good little boy you probably just took it. Yeah, the bully may have "got in trouble" but you still got clobbered nonetheless. Having said all that I cannot really judge you. If your convictions say that you cannot condone violence then one of the protected you must be, or be a martyr. Christ asked His followers at one point if they were armed, that a time would come when they must fight but not He. He came on a mission of sacrifice. So be it. By the by, folkiedave, whoever made you a target, your government, radical Islam or Adam and Eve doesn't matter. You are still a target.

Black Tom, we have gone out to meet our enemies. We need to defeat them THERE, not HERE. Support your troops!