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Thread #91818   Message #1809054
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
13-Aug-06 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
To Orla
"He did not reply and this morning it was removed from guestbook "
- Surprise! Surprise!

No, he's not interested in any hard questions. But I hear that FAIR are thinking about coming back to march in Dublin again next year. Last year they got run out of by rioting youths. The media initially blamed Sinn Fein for orchestrating the riots, but it emerged they had nothing to do with it. Anyone who had been following their forum last year in the run up to their arrival in Dublin would have seen they were spoiling for a fight. Posts from self-described loyalists taunted that they would save some buffet from the laid-on lunch in memory of the 1980 hunger strikers (Bobby Sands et al). Others said that nothing smells as good as fried Pope's head etc., I saved all these posts for future reference. Well, they got their fight and I doubt they were disappointed. They capitalised on it to claim that the South was infested with priests and republicans and unable to 'embrace unionist and Orange culture'. Unfortunately we have at present some idiotic Ministers in our government, well-meaning but idiotic, who cannot distinguish between genuine unionists wishing for their culture to be understood, and hooligans like those behind FAIR and "Love Ulster' for whom culture seems to mean trampling on everyone else and insulting them into the bargain. Willie refused to guarantee that he wouldn't allow marchers in the Love Ulster parade to carry posters of the Loyalist paramilitaries who planted the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombs that killed over 30 people between them, right past some of the places where the bombs went off! I am no big fan of Orangeism - it was set up in 1795 to promote Protestantism at the expense of Catholics - but I could accept their marches, drums etc., if it was just a parade and expression of their culture. As long as it a way of trying to dominate through bigotry and a thumbing of the nose, I'll have even less time for it.
Thanks to the idiots in government, FAIR might actually make it back to march in Dublin in front of the people they so despise, this time protected by a heavy police presence. The idiot Ministers won't gain any respect from this exercise, either from the Southern population or even from FAIR. And unionists themselves ought to be worried if FAIR are invited to march, as they could hardly have worse ambassadors for Unionist culture pretending to represent them.
I hope that the powers-that-be have more sense.