The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1809299
Posted By: Slag
14-Aug-06 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
It's always about $$$ in all but a Holy War. Uncle Sugar (Cuban?) always has his nose out for the geetus. True, the Mafia who were invested big in Havana were rebuffed and that was a necessary tactical consideration for Castro, a no-brainer but come on, Fidel was no Liberator and was not possessed of high ideals. He's another third world dictator. Russia served his ends by being bully support and Cuba under Castro served Russia's desire for a stepping stone, if needed, and a thorn in the flesh of the US. He was a COMMUNIST because that's what it took to be allied against the US. The rhetoric was communist, the reality was/is he's a dictator.

Emipre? Get real. Now you are puking out the rhetoric. There may be global financial empires in a very limited way but the US ceased Imperialism after T. Roosevelt.

Question for you LittleHawk: What IS money?