The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89698   Message #1809617
Posted By: Bat Goddess
14-Aug-06 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: Seamus Kennedy in Maine! Save the Date
Subject: RE: Seamus Kennedy in Maine! Save the Date
He's a great performer and Tom & I enjoyed the show immensely! Wish I could remember all the good lines I said I had to make a point to remember.

I wish the tired mommy lullaby set was somewhere on the 3 CDs I bought. Never been a mommy, but laughed til the tears ran down my eyes. I discovered some songs I've enjoyed on CD are even better in person -- I can see why fans drive great distances to see him!

Alas, we had to head home before his final set. I hope we didn't miss too much.

And we returned to find our diabetic cat in renal failure. Mortimer's at the vet on IV fluids, but there's a hard decision in our immediate future.
