The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1810450
Posted By: Wesley S
15-Aug-06 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
"I would imagine (with the brain work and the grunt work, wiring the planes, etc), it would take 100-200 people to set up the attack"

Up to 200 folks and none of them have talked? Nobody screwed up? I find that impossible to believe { I guess that means I'm brainwashed }. I'm reminded of a scene in "Bodyheat" where an arsonist is told something like - "there are more than 100 ways you can get caught. If you're really smart you may be able to think of 90 of them - and you're not that smart".

The government screwed up a simple B&E at the Watergate Hotel. It's impossible for me to believe that they could have pulled this off. Just imagine "Psst - Hey buddy - we're going to blow up some buildings - kill thousands of people and make a pile of money doing it. You want in ???"

Sorry - it just doesn't wash.