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Thread #93626   Message #1810914
Posted By: GUEST,hugo
16-Aug-06 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Reply to Slag
Actually the reason the left across the world was opposed to the American attack on Vietnam was because it led to the killing of some one million Vietnamese people,many of them were civilians.Many others were maimed or suffered in other ways.

My Lai was only one of dozens of massacres of civilians.The Americans turned much of Vietnam into free fire zones killing anything that moved -men ,women,children and even animals.

Agent Orange and other toxic weapons were sprayed onto the land in huge quantitiescausing deaths and deformities up to the present dayand leaving a toxic land for generations to come.The stuff was so dangerous that even the US aircrews and their children have been genetically damaged by those poison weapons.

Then there was the Phoenix Programme in which the CIA and its allies tortured and murdered thousands of its opponents and others who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Abu Ghraib was not some modern phenomenon .

Vietnam was a racist war in which the Vietnamese were dehumanised as gooks and charlie and the whole country brutalised.
These are the reasons why the millions across the world were opposed to the slaughter in Vietnam.It was the reason why millions in America campaigned to oppose the war and bring the troops home.

Imperialism was a vicious killer in 'nam then and is vicious killer in the Middle East now.

Always remember that the bosses never send their own children to fight and die.