The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92512   Message #1813234
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
18-Aug-06 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Sparkling Sidmouth!! :0)
Subject: RE: Sparkling Sidmouth!! :0)
When did I ever say you couldn't sing any song you damn well like, Mike? Especially in a session I'm never at? Or accuse you of not knowing your subject? The latter, as you well know, was addressed at others. What I did say is that I fail to see why anyone would consider it appropriate to introduce a sing about the Diggers into a session supposed to be about silly songs. Because it isn't one. But from what I've heard, the Middle Bar has a tendency to take the piss out of all sorts of material which I am unlikely to find the slightest bit funny. This does not mean I wouldn't be amused by songs that had been written as comic songs, of which Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson have composed many. But it does explain why I am scarcely likely to turn up in the Anchor, regardless of whether Robb Johnson does or not.

As for not allowing others to have views which differ from mine, I will always as a matter of principle oppose those who spew smug, sanctimonious claptrap designed to denigrate those whose lifestyles differ from their own. You, presumably, do the same.