The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92512   Message #1813325
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
18-Aug-06 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Sparkling Sidmouth!! :0)
Subject: RE: Sparkling Sidmouth!! :0)

Diane and I have been 'sparring' for years on the BBC board. We know each other 'inside out'. We don't take offence, well...maybe now and again, when she goes completely bonkers of course...

But for the most part, we're a bit like an old married couple...I'm always right...she's always wrong! ;0)

We're both chuckling as we type...and most people know that and don't worry too much. Diane is always Diane...she never pretends to be a Miss Goody Two Shoes...and neither do I....but it's probably best to leave us to get on with it....getting in between us is only for the very brave!!

And please don't take offence, it's hard not to be able to read the intonation into messages, but mine usually are written with a big grin on my can normally tell when I've completely lost it with her or she with me...believe you me! ;0)

If Diane says rotten things about people whom I know and care for, then I'll give her sixpenceworth and be done with it I'm afraid!

So Sweetums....are you going back to the BBC board then?????