The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88918   Message #1813591
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Aug-06 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: CDs from old cassettes
Subject: RE: CDs from old cassettes
To all of the participants in sending the software and materials to Art, here's a nice update from the artist himself. You hear about micro-funding of projects in the third world, but sometimes it is just what is called for here at home, and it looks like it is having the desired effect--he's enjoying himself and he's saving those cassettes to CD at the same time. I find I'm positively beside myself with pleasure at the idea of all of the treasures he is going to discover as he does this work.

As one who can't resist a good pun, this one is being repeated. The Mudcat Endowment of the Art was brought to a folkie near you by:

SRS with great assistance from
Jerry Rasmussen
Joybell & Hildebrand
Ron Davies

and I hope I didn't miss anyone.