The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94009   Message #1815507
Posted By: skipy
21-Aug-06 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Why do folk clubs charge admission fees?
Subject: RE: Why do folk clubs charge admission fees?
We run our festival at a loss ( not giving figures here ) but the way we see it, there are 2 of us, so divide the loss by 2, there are 52 weeks in a year redivide by that, take off the fees we would have to pay if we where not in AFO, ignore petrol/diesel, phone calls & loads of other things & take into account that it is our "hobby", however we do it because we believe in the music & the people, but mostly the need to provide a venue to keep this going.
If we where into other "hobbies" such as motorbike racing, photography, etc. etc. it would cost us a lot more, so we do it & we do it because we want too!
Hells teeth it is not easy, but when we read the comments on Mudcat from people who have been to stay with us for a weekend it is worth it.