The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3488   Message #18162
Posted By: Bert
23-Dec-97 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: Favorite Instruments ? ? ?
Subject: RE: Favorite Instruments ? ? ?
A Persian Hammered Dulcimer is called a "Santur", I have one that I bought in Shiraz in 1975. The tuning is weird; the bridges split the string so that one side is the octave of the other. They also use quarter notes which are way beyond me. So I tuned mine American style. It has 4 strings per course which give it a very delicate tinkley sound.

The construction is very crude with hand made tuners which look as if they are filed down nails. You just whack them in the wood a little deeper if they get loose. The tuning key handle is a crude hammer which is made for that purpose.
