The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94045   Message #1816274
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
22-Aug-06 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kidney stone
Subject: BS: Kidney stone
Just discharged from Hospital an hour ago after the most painful experience of my life. At 2.00am on Friday morning I was awoken with the most terrible pain in my stomach and passed out with the pain. Arrived in hospital and woke up with heart montior on me. After several scans they found a razor sharpe crystal stone in my kidney. They tried to get me to pass it and when that failed they went in. They were going to go in through back but it moved before operation and they had to go in through my penis and using a camera to site it, then go in with instrument to collect it and break it first. They took it out in two pieces. It ripped the hell out of me and been passing a lot of blood, a lot of blood and a lot of pain. I am dosed up with Morphine now. The doctors told me that people could avoid these calcium crystals if they took a few drops of lime or lemon juice in water three times a week. Please would everyone take this advice. I have never went through pain like it. Now home and resting.