The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17605   Message #181682
Posted By: Micca
20-Feb-00 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: My Lady of Autumn (Dave Webber)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lady of Autumn
Do you mean Bombardes? as in Catalonia? double reed oboe like? then you must be fairly deaf too ****BG*** as we carried a Giant behind a Catalan band of 12 ( Twelve) of them through narrow streets in Spain and I couldnt make the guide hear me from 2 feet away even shouting as loud as I could (and I am LOUD) Tolerant neighbours? I wish.... and Johnny can lift the slates on occasion for him and Jim together, wonderful volume and Timbre too.... if wou want a good story ask him about the Towersey Lifeboat and Tea-bar.......