The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93941 Message #1817673
Posted By: Dave'sWife
24-Aug-06 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hesperis goes to COLLEGE!!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Hesperis goes to COLLEGE!!!!!!
I wish you the best of luck Hesperis but caution you that Arts programs promise all that and the universe too while the proof will be in researching their placement statistics. Even if they don't keep any stats, at least ask to see the last five years of their alumni magazines so you can read what recent graduates really are up to. It will be inder the class news sections. You can see who's getting hired where and/or promoted to what jobs in their field. Here in the USA, 2 year programs in the arts are not that sucessful in placing people in music, journalism etc but good at placing people in animation. I believe you may now be back in Canada so things may be different there. Also, I don't know what type of progrtam it is, so forgive me for sounding so cautious.
I only urge caution because it is not in a chrocically ill persons best interests to take on huge debt to attend an instition that cannot give them a reasonable guarantee of employment placement upon receipt of an associates degree. Here in los Angeles, people with 2 year degrees do no bteer than those with a High School diploma wage-wise UNLESS their Assoicates is in a etchn ology field. then they do jusrt slightly worse than a 4 year grad which is very good actually in the costs-benefit department.
Seriously, see what their alumni are up to before agreeing to loans. if you are still here in the USA, you might be ale to get some aid from the State or County you live in for retraining. Your special physical needs prevent you from certain fields and if the 2 year program would provide you with skills to put you back in the job market and off disability (which I don't know if you get mind you), there are programs to fund that transition.
I am in awe of your enthusiasm. I have a chronic illness myself that severely limits my mobility and causes daily severe pain. I wish I had the strength of will that you do to take on such a comittment. I'm feeling very defeated of late. I believe the heat wave we had took a lot out of me physically and hope to get back up to my usual activities soon.
The very best of luck to you. My prayers will be with you as well. Your determination is inspiring.