The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94070   Message #1818967
Posted By: Megan L
25-Aug-06 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Silver coin for the baby
Subject: RE: Folklore: Silver coin for the baby
Ye siller a bairn, hansel a purse and blunt a knife.

The siller for a bairn was traditionally to keep the folk o the ben side at bay siver was considered pure and therefore was powerful in protecting the child. (The silver theme is used in many ancient legends and is the only known bullet _originally arrowhead_ that could stop a werewolf or vampire.)

Hanseling a purse was originally a blessing between the giver and the reciever wishing them good fortune. As long as the hansel was left in the purse others would join it and the person would never have to go without.

Tae blunt a knife -to return a small coin in exchange for the gift of any sharp object, the coin symbolised a promise that the gift would never be turned on the giver an important bond in often violent times.