The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94140   Message #1819277
Posted By: Paul Burke
26-Aug-06 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is TRUTH subjective?
Subject: RE: BS: Is TRUTH subjective?
A mathematical truth is one which is consistent with the axiomatic basis from which it is derived. Nothing more or less.

A scientific truth is a statement which is useful in that testable predictions can be made from it, and all tests of its predictions have so far proved accurate. All scientific truths are therefore provisional.

In a court case, you may swear to tell the whole truth, but you can't do that with yes/no answers, so the court actually requires you to do conflicting things. But then, the legal system is rarely concerned with truth in any of its many meanings.

I'll leave it to others to talk about emotional and religious truths.