The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94163   Message #1819809
Posted By: 282RA
26-Aug-06 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
Subject: BS: West Point Grads Against the War
When Lt. Watada refused to go to Iraq on the grounds that he believes the war to be illegal, he is not alone in that conviction. The following link demonstrates with excellent thoroughness that many military members agree with him.

While I as a veteran of the Middle East would go to Iraq if I was ever called upon to do so (easy for me to say since my chances of ever going back are nil), I do not fault a soldier who refuses to go. "But he's disobeying a direct order!" Yes, but a soldier is REQUIRED NOT to obey an illegal order and Lt. Watada feels the order to fight in Iraq is such an order and feels he is fulfilling his military duties in refusing.

He is not a conscientious objector (whom I feel have no business joining the military in the first place) and has stated he would gladly go to Afghanistan which bellieves is a just war but not to Iraq. He is willing and ready to face a court-martial and is fully prepared to receive a dishonorable discharge and all the hardships that accompany someone who receives one. That makes him a man of honor in my book.

Lt. Watada, I salute you, sir.