The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94169   Message #1820272
Posted By: erinmaidin
27-Aug-06 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!
We picked it up in DunLaoghaire, here in Dublin, yesterday. Maybe it was released over here earlier? Honest to God, Amos...he's quite mellow, at times sounding much like Willie Nelson (altho' many would say that's not a vocal aspiration either). I quite like your analogy tho'. It reminds me of something a Dub fella said years ago when hearing a friend of mine playing hammered dulcimer. He said it sounded like two skeletons er..."making love" (use your Dublinese here) on a tin roof during a thunderstorm.