The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94189   Message #1820773
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
28-Aug-06 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Hymn tune called 'Lloyd'
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Hymn tune called 'Lloyd'
Haruo - you can find a reference to the tune in the Hymn Tune Index. You can search for Lloyd as tune name (you need to accept cookies for the search to work I think). (Or you can seach for the tune number 8226 - that's the number). It returns the tune as follows:

53(5)4(2)1(D7)U12(435)4(2)1(D7) - U1D7(U2)1(3)3(24)3(5)5(465)4(3)2 - 4(3)5(4)6(5)4(3)43(243)5(4)3(2) - D5(7)6(U1)D7(U2)1(324)34(321)D7U1(3243) - [D7(7)6(U1)D7(U2)1(324)3(5)6(543)21]
Meter:      Mode: major    3 citations, earliest in 1800

By Dr. Edward Miller.

The coding is described in HTI Coding Scheme

If you press the Citations button and then the Source link from the citation you'll get all the information for the tune source and text.
