The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94137   Message #1820932
Posted By: Stu
28-Aug-06 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Wicker Man remake
Subject: RE: Wicker Man remake
Thanks Dave's Wife. I thought as much. I have to say I think here in the UK we miss loads of great films becauase they are not English-speaking and for some reason that puts us off. Many people say they don't like subtitles but I think after a while you don't even realise you're reading them.

Just think, no Motorcycle Diaries, Amile, Seventh Seal, all those Kurosawa flicks, Battle Royale, Autopsy . . . the list goes on and on of high quality films we miss at the pictures. My wife and I have started rooting them out on DVD.

I thought the American remake of Ring was quite good, although I think it lost a great deal of the menace and unnerving atmosphere of the original - perhaps a little to smoothed out.

Getting back to music, I didn't think the music in The Wicker Man was that bad - some of the Scottish accents were dodgy, but on the whole quite good.
