The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94201   Message #1820943
Posted By: Big Mick
28-Aug-06 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: How to learn to pronounce Gaelic
Subject: RE: How to learn to pronounce Gaelic
I would say to you that if your goal is too sing in the language, there are tutorial and CD's out there that will let you "ape" the language to a fair degree. But this language is very nuanced, and if you want to deliver the song with its full effect, then you must study it and speak it. The speaking will be critical. I am very envious of my friend, Philippa. She lives and works in the North of Ireland and has studied and immersed herself in both Irish and Scots Gaelic. Where I grew up, I had a lot of exposure to Irish, but not the ability to speak on a regular basis. Hence I have to really work at it. I can sing in the language, but I have to really take the time to learn a song, as opposed to getting lyrics and just singing it.

All the best,
