The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94169   Message #1821152
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
28-Aug-06 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!
XM just presented the world broadcast premiere of the entire CD.

It is fun!!   Great songs!!!   Dylan sounds fine, and happy.

I love the Hawaiian tinged "Beyond the Horizon" - Dylan channeling the spirit of Rudy Vallee! "Nettie Moore" sounds like the old Bob we know and love. "Workingman's Blues 2" is another song that grabbed me. "The Levee's Gonna Break" has a nice rockabilly beat, and "Ain't Talkin" may be my favorite song on the CD - although I've only had this one chance to listen to it so far.

I was expecting another rocking CD, based on the hot performance he gave with the latest version of his backup band last year, but this was different. Dylan is exploring roots music, again, and it really works this time.

Most people his age seem to be ready to hang it up and resign themselves to sitting around and making crotchity comments on Mudcat, but Dylan is still out there having fun. His radio show is a hoot, he is enjoying himself, his love of music is obvious and he honestly doesn't give a rats patootie what anyone thinks.