The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94225   Message #1821220
Posted By: Maryrrf
28-Aug-06 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: traditional singers: beards, & guinness?
Subject: RE: traditional singers: beards, & guinness?
Well since a lot of traditional singing is done at places where Guinness is commonly served (in the back room of a pub, for example) and usually in very casual surroundings (again, like a pub) or maybe at a festival where people are camping, I don't think you'd find many guys singing traditional songs while wearing suits and sipping martinis. They may well go to work in a suit every day, and sometimes drink cocktails instead of Guiness, but for most traditional singers it's a form of relaxation and not something they'd be all decked out in their best bib and tucker for. Personally I find some of those long haired somewhat scruffy guys that sing traditional songs and dress like old hippies to be quite sexy.   But then I'm a bit of a non conformist myself. And I love listening to long ballads.