The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94169   Message #1822907
Posted By: GUEST
30-Aug-06 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!
To incontrovertible disputers,
Iconoclastics, like the persona of Bob Dylan, seem to cement their fame on controversy, no matter what message they are trying to convey, whether they are appealing to the public conscience or to an indicisive indvidual. The only things that matter to critics is that he has made himself a name, but now carried on his old glory he is reeling and tumbling on the merits of his old glory. Dylan a poet? How do we define a prophet? A self-sufficent bard that is conscious only of himself and elevates himself above the rest of the people thinking he is on some exulted plato, untouchable, moralizing and setting dogmas in the things he knows nothing about. His lirics for my does not hold any poetic value, they are rather vague, desultory and lead to nowhere. Only he can interpret his own songs but sometimes I wonder even that, he rambles and talks about milion events in one single song. About his apparent, flip-flopping, It was seen throughout his whole carries. Supposedly takes his own course but actually embraces what is pupular. The albums I like the most, Shot of love, Saved and Slow train comming are for me his greates work in his career, he was never so clear and defined, nor before nor after. When i said he is a troubled individual that's exactly what he is, and this is not necesarily something negative, just hope he will find an embrace of a clear philosophy, that leads into eternity. He is master musician, no doubt about it, but his last album does not affirm that,