The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94169   Message #1823106
Posted By: GUEST
30-Aug-06 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!
Answer to Peter T.
1) To answer to your first question, even though pragmatism and atheism has many things in common, and attempt to assimilate many ideas, they are still incompatible in essence, atheism is exclusive in its claim that God does not exist, not only a Christian God but all implications and definitions of God. God is according to atheism a non existant being.
pramatism, on the other hand, is not necesarily opossed to such an idea, but posses many obsticles, which, by the way, aren't insurmontable. Pragmatism is based on following proofs and science, deductive thoughts and postulations,inveterated patterns, which I said earlier, the nature proves the existance of such a Supernatural being, the nature eliminates both pragmatism and atheism. Pragmatism includes many atheistic theories in the mind of pragmatic interpretors but in the semantics this is not necesary nor self inclusive.

2) ecclesiasticims is a term that denotes the church as institution and its practicies but also a personal faith circumscribed by dogmas and personal believes. As you well said it can pertain to your church practicies but it is much more than that, Dylan abounds in personal motives about God and also reflects on religion in many songs, "ring them bells" even on the new album he mentions some saint.

Personal note,
the world is godless because of the choice of the mortal people, but the world is not without God for God is alive and well, coegsisting with us and giving us clear differentiation between right and God. Dylan knows this but he is not sure wheter he want to capsulate an absolute God, instead he tries to fix himself a path where his opinion about Divinity is an appropriate one. It is a distorted view and irreconcilable with a compeling truth. My hope is that behavior is corrigible.
God is God just as he is, whether that be a simple faith of an elderly, naive woman or a scooled philosopher, if you find him in your heart he will show himself to all of us despite our ignorance, fatuity or regardless of our education. To summarize this elucidation- God is love,