The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94137   Message #1823510
Posted By: foggers
31-Aug-06 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Wicker Man remake
Subject: RE: Wicker Man remake
" "I know that a lot of mudcatters are anti-christian zionists"

News to me. I thought we were a bunch of anti-semitic socialists. "

Blimey, how am I going to fit in as a relative Mudcat newbie ex-Fundie, post Post-Feminist, anti-social neo-pagan wannabee???

Anyway, enough of my navel-gazing.....I just wanted to add a couple of points.

1. The original film is an amusing, wandering escapade which I view fondly because it was probably the first "adult" (i.e. soft porn element) film I saw as an impressionable teenager. It is NOT great film, but i view it with affection and irony, like an eccentric aunt.

2. Hollywood plunders other films/books etc in a merciless search for the next commercial hit and puts "box office" faces like Cage in for the same reason. Art has nothing to do with it.

3. As a resident of Derbyshire I can confirm that there are pockets of surviving rural traditions which have only tangential relationships to Christianity- my partner's 86 year old grandma is a goldmine of info, and indeed her own habits should be made the subject of in-depth recording for posterity before it's too late.

4.I think I will probably wait for the remake to be a cut price DVD - then I can watch that alongside my Director's cut of the original and come to my judgement on the matter then.

Now I need to get back to work... (ho hum...)