The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18422   Message #182358
Posted By: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
21-Feb-00 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: need some sea chanteys
Subject: RE: need some sea chanteys
In The Seven Seas Shanty Book, edited by retired Merchant Service officer John Sampson, Boosey & Co., London, 1927, "Shenandoah" is listed as a capstan shanty.

In King's Book of Chanties, by Stanton H. King, "Official Government Chanty-Man", (does this title still exist? did it ever ?) Oliver Ditson, Boston, 1918, "Shenandoah" (there called "The Wide Missouri, or Shenandoah") is also listed as a capstan shanty.

In "Sailor Shanties II", by R. R. Terry, Music & Letters, Volume 1, Number 3, July, 1920, "Shenandoah" is identified as a capstan shanty.
