The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93567   Message #1823664
Posted By: Don Firth
31-Aug-06 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Name The Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Name The Movie
There was a   1970 rendition of "Wuthering Heights" with Anna Calder-Marshall as Cathy and Timothy Dalton as Heathcliff. Timothy Dalton is one helluvan actor, and I've seen him in a number of movies where he was excellent. A suitably brooding and intense Heathcliff.

My wife, Barbara, is a real fan of the novels of Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters, and she's familiar enough with Jane Eyre to be able to do a sing-along with the dialogue and snarl a bit when they get it wrong (or, at least, change it substantially). We saw a 1983 mini-series of Jane Eyre (on Masterpiece Theatre) with Zelah Clark as a suitable meek-appearing but strong-willed Jane and Timothy Dalton as the intense, haunted Rochester. Excellent!

Most Americans probably know Dalton best from his two outings as James Bond. Not his best work, but that wasn't his fault. He did his best with scripts by people who would have been more at home doing comic books. Good effort, but he didn't have anything to work with.

Okay, this should be an easy one:

"Once is happenstance. Twice may be coincidence. But three times is enemy action!"

What movie and who said it to whom?

Don Firth