The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94259   Message #1823681
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
31-Aug-06 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: AI--report on Hezbollah war crimes?
Subject: RE: BS: AI--report on Hezbollah war crimes?
Since 1948 850,000+ Jews were stripped of their property and expelled from surrounding Islamic fascist states. Nobody is advocating they be allowed to "return" to their homes or be paid for their stolen property. It's also funny (sick) that nobody complains about the 650,000 "Palestinians" that were expelled from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War (for treason) back to their "Palestinian" state of Jordan.

Jewish Populations of Arab Countries: 1948 and 2001 Country or territory. This doesn't include those from Iran, Turkey, and other Muslim countries. Jews have lived in what are now Arab states, Iran, and Turkey at least since the Babylonian captivity (597 BCE), about 2,600 years ago. After the conquest of these lands by Arab Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians had the legal status of dhimmi. They were entitled to limited rights, tolerance, and protection, on the condition they pay a special poll ("jizya") tax. As dhimmi, Jews were typically subjected to several restrictions, the application and severity of which varied by time and place: residency in segregated quarters, wearing distinctive clothing, public humiliation to Muslims, prohibitions against proselytizing and marrying Muslim women, and limited access to the legal systems.

Jews expelled from Arab countries after 1948:            

Aden    8,000
Algeria 140,000
Egypt    80,000
Iraq    140,000
Lebanon 5,000
Libya    38,000
Morocco 265,000
Syria    30,000
Tunisia 105,000
Yemen    55,000
Total    866,000

Debunking myth: The Jews are Europeans that displaced native Arab people and stole their lands. Wrong! As of 2002 the Jewish population of Israel, even with Russian immigration of the 1990s, is 50% European Jews, 50% Muslim/Arabic Jews (and their children) expelled after 1948 from surrounding Arab/Muslim fascist nations. There was already Jews living there in Hebron, Jerusalem, etc to begin with. If we include the one million Israeli Arabs (Druze, Christian, etc.) the present population is overwhelmingly of non-European origin.
In the so-called "West Bank," Transjordan (Jordan) expelled/killed thousands of Jews and stole their property. This includes places such as Hebron, which had a Jewish community for centuries prior to "liberation" by Arab terror governments that refused to follow UN accords on partition. In fact they have never followed any UN accord and started another war in 1967 resulting in Israel retaking the West Bank, Gaza, and seizing the Golan Heights to stop Syrian terror. They returned stolen Jewish property to the former owners. (They also later returned the Sinai to Egypt.) There never was a state called "Palestine."