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Thread #94169   Message #1823851
Posted By: GUEST,philosopher
31-Aug-06 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!
To the Big Eagle (aka Little Hawk),
I see that you have rather methodicaly and intrinsically probed this philosophical question. I also commend you for taking time to didactically expone and expatiate your surmises or rather deductions on this page. Bob spoke about epiphany eloquently in that time, the most clear message from his lips but now rather dabbles in theism with trivial messages.
In my opinion, people are distanced from the Divinity for multifarious reasons. Some of them I would rather state than lucubrate upon it for its far to complex:
1) The course of the eon of this world. (Imposed ideas, secular notions.
2) carnality (mortality) of man. (in a self destructive trajectory, unable to rise above himself ad reach the higher light)
3) fear of losing own identity (which, ironically, what they think is their own are ideas of others assidiously drummed into their brains during their life in this tellurian experience.
4)fear of unknown ( whether that be an Omnipotent being (notice to Peter usage of "an")or an ida of an extraterestial life) But we should be afraid of the Divine for He is Love, means no harm but benediction of his creation.
5) choice of their own will.
6)misinterpretation of the Theos and misapplying certain attributes to the Divine one that do not belong to him, this is merely foisted upon humanity by organized ignorance of many influential brains.
&)wrong choice, g-o-d of their own, what I elaborated in my previous writings. There is only one God and a true one, philosophically incompatible is the notions that many divers interpratations of religions lead to the same Being.
Light is wat we need,