The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3092   Message #18255
Posted By: MR
24-Dec-97 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Clancy's Wooden Wedding
I haven't been able to figure out the chords yet but here are the words. The two XXs indicate a change of pattern and, perhaps a minor. Sure would like it if someone could help me on the chords.

(1) Five years ago last Sunday night, Pat Clancy took a wife.
'Twas little Bridgett Haley who was stuck to him for life.
He gave a Wooden Weddin' the event to celebrate,
And he sent out invitations to his friends both small and great.
XX Now everyone was s'posed to bring a present made of wood,
And some of the things they brought were bad and some were very good,
But everyone who came he did the very best he could,
When Clancy had a weddin' made of wood.

(2) The first one to get there was Pat O'Hoolihan.
He brought for a present a Japanese fan.
Then came Maloney just as neat as a pin,
And he brought a cradle for to rock the baby in.
XX O'Brien brought a sawhorse handsomely engraved.
O'Toole brought a cord a wood for which he didn't pay.
Murphy brought the clothespins. Ryan brought a broom.
It looked as though a lumberyard exploded in the room:

(3) Wood that came from China, wood that came from Spain,
Wood from Jerusalem across the raging main,
Wood that came from Russia, sent by the Czar,
Wood that came from Ireland, enough to build a car,
XX Wood that came from England, wood that came from Wales,
Wood that came from Scotland, wood that came from jails.
They passed around the whiskey and they passed around the ale,
And if the glasses wasn't big enough, they used a wooden pail.

(4) Everyone was feeling good; no one was feeling dry.
All were in the glory and the glory it was high.
Someone asked Clancy would he sing a song.
Clancy said he would but his voice was gone.
XX Up jumped Maloney and he gave a recitation
All about the kind of wood that grew in every nation.
Begorra! such a racket, I can't keep it mum.
Clancy called Maloney an educated bum.

(5) Up jumped Maloney and he hit him such a whack
That he raised up a hump in the middle of his back.
That was the signal and they all began to fight,
And the women hollered "Murder!" and they said it wasn't right.
XX Murphy threw the poker and he hit O'Hoolihan.
O'Brien threw the kettle and he threw the frying pan.
Patrick lost his false teeth and threw a window dove.
Maloney sat down on a red-hot stove.

(6) There was all kinds of wood went a-flyin' through the air.
Brady hit O'Grady with the round of a chair.
Murphy grabbed Sullivan and threw him on the bed.
Stabbed him with a clothespin and left him there for dead.
XX Police got twenty-five and thirty got away.
They took 'em up before the judge the very next day.
The judge looked 'em over as before him they stood;
He gave 'em sixty days in jail -- now they're all sawin' wood.