The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94344   Message #1825627
Posted By: Michael in Swansea
02-Sep-06 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: welsh
Subject: RE: welsh
Nearly right Fliss SAIS is Welsh for English (language)
I know this bit should really be on the Hull thread but I heard Alan Hardy from Bitter End at last year's Hull say something I'd never heard before "Lloegr am byth" - "England for ever" in Welsh? How does that grab you? I know Sian has knows Alan and appreciates his sense of humour, but still, I told him straight "Oi Alan, that's not on, you can't say that" to which he gave a hearty chuckle. I made a point of telling my few Welsh friends and they found it rather chuckling to.
I love (mostly) everyone except terrorists of any religion.