The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94385   Message #1825907
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Sep-06 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: A non-political BS section, please?!
Subject: BS: A non-political BS section, please?!
When more changes are implemented on Mudcat, please, please consider segregating BS-Political to its own realm. That way maybe the regular BS section can return to some semblance of creativity.

Note: I am NOT asking for a ban on political discussions, just give them their own section.I know this has been mentioned before. I know I can filter them out, but with so many that is not very practical as there are too many keywords to catch them all. And, yes, I realise I used to be one of the first to start a pol. thread. Then there was some balance. We have lost that. I'd like to see it return, even if it means another section added to Mudcat.

Thanks for listening.
