The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94385   Message #1826063
Posted By: Jeri
03-Sep-06 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: A non-political BS section, please?!
Subject: RE: BS: A non-political BS section, please?!
Mudcat IS a political blog site that attracts trolls and whack jobs from lots of places, as well as people who just like to argue. We're not a folk music site anymore, and we're not a community, and I think most of the friends and allies we'll ever have in the physical world because of Mudcat have have already been made, and in some cases, lost.

I know most people don't really care how uncomfortable they make others - they're gonna post whatever they want. Some people LIKE making others uncomfortable, and posters always win over those that don't want to read. I personally be happy if there were a way to move the politics the fuck off the main Mudcat forum, because it really is nothing but a blog now. Do I think that's likely to happen? No. These people WANT to shove it in your face, and it would be a real bitch to moderate.

Walrus, I proposed that a while ago. What I truly want is a way to filter out multiple subjects and posters. If we all had a way to do that, there would be far fewer posts about people don't want to read. Members would have control over what thread or message titles they saw.