The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94304   Message #1826317
Posted By: JWB
03-Sep-06 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Stan Hugill - the real words?
Subject: RE: Stan Hugill - the real words?
I don't know if the probity of chanteymen had decreased by Stan Hugill's time, but the versions of a few chanteys he sang at the infamous Mystic workshop were single entendre for sure. I was on the stage with him, with a tape recorder running, and I got every word.

Here's his unbowdlerized version of A-roving:

In Amsterdam there lived a maid.
        Mark well what I do say!
In Amsterdam there lived a maid,
And she was mistress of the whoring trade.
        I'll go no more a-roving with you, fair maid.

        A-roving, a-roving, since roving's been my rue-eye-in.
        I'll go no more a-roving with you, fair maid.

I took this fair maid to the park.
I took…
And we sat down where it was dark.
        I'll go no more…

I put my hand upon her knee,
I put…
She said, "Young man, you're very free."


I put my hand upon her thigh…
She said, "Young man, you're getting nigh."

I put my hand yet higher still…
She said, "Young man, that's quite a thrill."


I put my hand upon her breast…
And the wind from her ass blew sou'sou'west.

The flesh of her breast was as white as milk…
And the hair of her cunt was as soft as silk.


The cheeks of her ass were tight as a drum…
And the lips of her cunt were red as a plum.

Her belly it was soft and wide…
And it gave me such a lovely ride.


I fucked her once, I fucked her twice…
She said, "Young man, you're very nice."

I took my leave, I said goodbye…
She said, "Young man, you're very sly."


I said, "What now, my pretty maid?"….
She said, "You're nice, but I'll be paid."

I said, "But you enjoyed it too."…
She said, "That's right, as much as you."

She said, "Young man, you're very brash….
I like it more when I get cash."


Everything I heard from him that afternoon ended up on Salty Dick's CD.

Now, for real filth, I refer you to Tom Lewis, who at the same workshop spewed forth the most amazing lyrics to several songs (which also are on Salty Dick). But then, he represents late 20th century norms of dirty songs.

These aren't songs that necessarily should be performed. Rather, they deserve to be studied for the glimpse they give into the world of the square rig sailorman.
