The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94344   Message #1826715
Posted By: Charley Noble
04-Sep-06 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: welsh
Subject: RE: welsh
Wow, what a minefield! And to think that JudyB and I will be picking our way from one end of Wales to the other in just a few short weeks. Maybe, it's better if we spend ALL our time in Hay-on-Way sifting through the mouldy books.

We will be too itimidated to "ask" direction to anywhere but we are planning to bring along some chalk and a slate that we can poke out the window of our rental car, if we can figure which side of the car to poke it out...

Seriously, we'll be spending some of our time around Swansea swapping sea songs with the Baggywrinkle crew, October 7-8.

Charley Noble