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Thread #93626   Message #1826919
Posted By: Lepus Rex
04-Sep-06 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Bobado: So... since you're answering my posts to him/her now, can I assume that was you posting as the GUEST that was defending you in those recent exchanges with me, then?

As for the content of your last post... so what? What does that have to do with me? Taguieff claims, and I'd agree to some extent, that anti-Zionist views have been co-opted by anti-"Semitic" people and groups to make their racism more palatable to a wider audience. And? Where have I ever expressed a hatred of Jews, or even Israelis? Go ahead, check. Well, as I know you're so very, very lazy, I'll save you the time: As I recall, my only comment on my wishes for the future of Israel and the Israeli's are here. And that's still my view, five years later. I wouldn't want to see a single hair on their fuzzy little heads damaged, Bobado. Sorry to disappoint.

Besides, Israel barely cracks my top-five list of colonialist nations I'd like to see dismantled. If you are going to wrongly accuse me of being anti-anything, make it Chinese or Russian, please. They're tied for one and two.

Again, don't be such a sore loser. Calling me a racist just because I outed you as the kind of wanker who calls into a national radio show with a false name and identity, makes some ridiculous claims, and then posts to his favourite web forum the next day about this hot young firecracker he heard on the radio, check him out, he's the future of the Middle East!!! Yeah, that's just cheap. Get over it, and back the fuck down.

pdq: Really? Those are the only two ways a Muslim majority (split into three main branches) could arise in Lebanon? Not, as actually is the case in Lebanon, by Muslims, particularly those from the the poor Shi'a underclass, having a much higher birth rate than Lebanese Christians, out-breeding them since those far-distant days of your boyhood? Or could the fact that the Christian population, with their extensive contacts in the West, had more options for emigration during the civil war have anything to do with it? Yeaaaahh. I mean, fuck, dude, it's not as if Christians no longer exist in Lebanon. They're still one of the largest and most important groups (or collection of groups) in the country (note the president of Lebanon, who by law must be a Maronite), making up, like, 30-40% of the population. There's not fewer of them than when you were a kid, there's more. Their population just hasn't grown at the same rate as that of the assorted Muslims.

Lebanon isn't "Muslim," and it isn't "Christian." It's a piece of land, and it's populated by both. It is now, and it was when you were young. Why are you people so willfully lazy? Why can't you look this shit up? It's all... all of it, anything you could possibly care to know, right there, on your screen, just a few clicks away. Why don't you just... try?

robomatic: Dude, you're here? You should totally whip out that "Israeli Occupation of Arab Land" link again! Yanno, the one that lists Armenia and Tajikistan as "Arab Countries? That shit's classic!