The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94419   Message #1827074
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
04-Sep-06 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Subject: RE: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Donuel--My wife has had Reynaud's Syndrome for several years. While it can be just a nuisance, it can lead to amputation if the incident should last for extended periods. Also, Reynaud's is often associated with more serious diseases as Lupus and Arthritis [although it is not known if these diseases cause the others or not]. She was tested for Lupus and some other diseases and found to be free of them...'tho she does have a touch of arthritis.
My wife dons gloves when she has an incident (infrequently now), and massages her fingers. She also wears gloves in cold weather, and when handling cold or frozen foods.
While dire consequences are rare, do not ignore the problem, especially if it is occurring (more)frequently.