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Thread #93626   Message #1827094
Posted By: Lepus Rex
04-Sep-06 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Heh. Well, Bobado, for the record, the comment I linked to in my last post went like this:
Subject: RE: Anti-semitic and inflammatory editorial
From: Lepus Rex - PM
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 12:29 AM

Ooh, I forgot about this thread...

Well, Deda, religious homelands (like Pakistan and Israel) are anachronisms, I think, and have no place in our modern world. The "'land' of diaspora" is where the majority of the Jews live already, and where the majority will continue to live.

That said, I'd like to see (if I could wave my magic wand, *poof*) a secular, multicultural state in Israel's place, where Jews and Arabs could live happily ever after...

Since I don't have a magic wand, though... Ultimately, Israel as we know it, like all the previous Crusader States, is doomed. The Israeli Arabs and the Palestinians have higher birthrates than the Israeli Jews, and it won't be long before they are the majority within the legally recognised borders of Israel and in the Occupied Territories (even without a 'right of return' for Palestinian refugees). When that happens, Israel will be a 'Jewish State' in the same way that Apartheid-era South Africa could have been called a 'White State.' Hopefully, the natives will be more pleasant to the Israeli Jews than the Israeli Jews were to them. But with Israel's continued terrorism and slow-motion genocide, that's unlikely, I think.

I'm wondering, Deda, since you seem to be pro-Israeli (Maybe I'm wrong): Do you also support an independent Khalistan for the Sikhs, who are twice as numerous as the Jews? How about nations just for the Zoroastrians, Mormons, or AsatrĂșar? Or, especially, maybe one for the Roma diaspora? Just a dumb question I like to hear the answer to. :)

And Troll, OK, SPECIFICALLY, I meant 'the modern state of Israel.' :)

---Lepus Rex

Everything you've since quoted, or selectively quoted bits of, is in line with those statements. Yes, I oppose the existence the "Jewish state" of Israel, which I consider to be a Western colony. But never have I expressed a desire to see the people of Israel harmed, or even expelled from Palestine.

The way you mis-quoted me, by the way, was despicable. Here's the actual, full quotes that you twisted, with blue clickies, which you must have "forgotten" to add to your post...

1. Bobado's Quote: "scrap the Apartheid state of Israel"

Actual Quote: "(So {waving my magic wand}, scrap the Apartheid state of Israel, screw the fragmentary Palestinian 'state,' and make a new, secular state of Palestine, full of lollypops and free puppies for Jews and Arabs alike. :} )"

2. Bobado's Quote: "the Zionists to steal huge portions of it from the natives and set up a 'Jewish State' there."

Actual Quote: "But... I don't think that just because "it has been the dream of Jews for two thousand years to return to Jerusalem" that it was OK for the Zionists to steal huge portions of it from the natives and set up a 'Jewish State' there. Why should the dreams of the Jews supersede those of the Palestinians? Just because some Middle-Eastern fable tells them they're God's Chosen People? Modern states shouldn't be built on folk-tales and legends, no matter how charming or influential they might be.

3 & 4. Bobado's Quotes: "Ultimately, Israel as we know it, like all the previous Crusader States, is doomed."

"Israel will be a 'Jewish State' in the same way that Apartheid-era South Africa could have been called a "White State."

Well, with these two, you re-quoted the post (RE: Anti-semitic and inflammatory editorial - Sep 21 2001 12:29AM) that I'd already linked to (and pasted in full, above), and you even quoted it twice, to make it look like two "anti-Semitic" comments. Which I suppose you thought was really clever. Heh.

Actual Quote: See above.

5. Bobado's Quote: "I happen to consider myself pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel."

Actual Quote: "Oh, really, Deda. Being pro-Palestinian is not the same as being anti-Semitic (By 'anti-Semitic,' I'm guessing you mean anti-Judaic). I happen to consider myself pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel, but also pro-Jewish. You CAN oppose the illegal occupation of Palestine without wishing harm on the civilian Jewish occupants.

6. Bobado's Quote: "I use 'anti-Jewish' or 'anti-Judaic,' myself."

Trying to turn a discussion of semantics into something anti-Semitic, eh? Pfft.

Actual Quote: When I say 'anti-Semitic,' it's like the title of this thread, applying to the specific Semitic group that is the focus of the anti-Semitism. It doesn't make sense to use such a broad term for just one group of Semitic people. It's like using 'anti-germanic' to single out the Icelanders. Just because the 'anti-Jewish' definition of 'anti-Semitic' is POPULAR doesn't make it correct. :)

I use 'anti-Jewish' or 'anti-Judaic,' myself."

7. Bobado's Quote: "I'm strongly anti-Israel"

Actual Quote: Personally, I have no desire to 'get to know' a racist like MG, and anyone who does is tainted by their association with him, IMO. But I'm glad that he's allowed to post here. I value diverse opinions, even racist ones like Martin's. Plus, since I'm strongly anti-Israel, I really enjoy the little bit of damage MG does to his own cause with every uninformed, bile-choked post. You don't even have to argue with him... Just wind him up, and watch the hate and vulgarity fly. He does all the work. :)


You are slime, Bobado. :)

And Peace: Well, yeah, lazy people make those kind of mistakes, I guess. But Armenia? That's just fucking retarded.

---Lepus Rex