The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90790   Message #1827231
Posted By: Saro
05-Sep-06 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: whitby folk week 2006
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
I had a great time as always, sad that the Festival won't be the same without Mr Storey, but hopeful for good things in the hands of an experienced team - a chance to maintain the traditional song focus that seems to disappear from the rest of the festival world. It was great to get into theTap and Spile for one evening session, even if my view of proceedings was mostly hidden by the previously mentioned large person! Still, he didn't spoil the great singing! Great to meet some Catters at the harmony workshops, sorry you coldn't make it Mo, maybe next year...
And I've now got a badge!!!