The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18286   Message #182751
Posted By: Peg
22-Feb-00 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: Enlighten me - stuck pig?
Subject: RE: Enlighten me - stuck pig?
the less said about factory farming and animal husbandry the better...
I too am an omnivore after several years of being a vegetarian...but I seek out animal products from companies that treat their animals humanely *while they are alive*...I do not have a problem with slaughtering an animal for food (I grew up in a household where ny dad hunted or fished for our dinner much of the time) but I believe we need to acknowledge the animal's sacrifice for us, and think the degrading, deplorable conditions on big agribusiness farms would sicken anyone who knew of them...not to mention the hormones and chemicals and bacteria endemic in these places which end up making humans sick over the long haul...
everyone, if you care about this, vote with your dollar and create a demand for humanely-raised animal products from smaller farms...the prices will go down if the demand is there...anyway, your health and peace of mind should be paramount...

also, about wild boars: the Learning Channel (or maybe Discovery Channel) had an excellent special called In Pursuit of the Boar, about wild boars who still roam the forests of France (the European boars are extinct most everywhere else; South America and the US have their javelinas and peccaries)...apparently these guys are actually very shy and, while they would put up a good fight if cornered, generally will do anything to avoid contact with humans...