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Thread #80633   Message #1828463
Posted By: RB3
06-Sep-06 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Folk artists who are pagan
Subject: RE: Folk artists who are pagan
I agree with Big Mick on the whole new agey-pagan thing. I would say that while I agree that Neo-Pagan is a silly word, it does actually apply to some people. I think that the people it applies to are the ones who are into the crystal/ley line stuff rather than actually attempting to get to the "truth" of what the ancient religions were.
On the other hand, I don't know too many people who practice those religions as they actually were, complete with sacrificing the "king" at the end of the year (and if there are people who do that, I probably don't want to know...)
I call myself a Pagan, because I'm poly-theistic rather than Wiccan. All the Wiccan/pagan community members I've had contact with tend to make that specific distinction: Wiccan=Goddess worship or Bi-Theistic Archetype religion, Pagan=everything else that isn't another established religion and has some sort of connection with ancient religions (i.e. poly-theism, shamanic tradition, Asatru, celtic or norse religion). But there are so many of us, and very few actually conform to any particular set of guidelines that it seems silly to attempt to define it any further.
I also think the old Celtic-Christianity was a pretty cool religion, as Christianity goes. I don't go there myself, but it seems to be a much more natural religion, with less constraints than typical Roman Catholicism (no offense meant to any Roman Catholics out there).