The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94467   Message #1828589
Posted By: dwditty
06-Sep-06 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Songs and stories at a care facility
Subject: RE: Songs and stories at a care facility
Bingo, Sorcha. I went to visit my Mom in the last weeks of her life at a care facility. SHe and the others had been wheeled down to the community room, where they all sat saying nothing. I started to play my usual repertoire of oh so clever songs, but after being faced with blanked stares - absolutely no reaction - I changed the material. You Are My Sunshine, I've Been Working On The Railroad, Give My Regards to Broadway, Toot Toot Tootsie Good-bye - you get the drift. It did not matter that I did not really know the right chords to most of the songs...or the lyrics for that matter, since the room came alive and picked them up. Smiles, tapping feet. It remains a highlight in my performing. I take no is simply the magic of music. So, my advice is to pay attention and take them wherever they want to go. Come to think of it, no different than playing for any other audience.
