The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94499   Message #1829473
Posted By: akenaton
07-Sep-06 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
Subject: BS: Blair govt meltdown.
Prime Minister has stated some time ago that he will not contest the next election as Labour Party leader.
His unpopularity with UK electors recently, (mainly over his American alligned foriegn policy), has caused several junior members of his government to resign and a large majority of Labour Party members and Labour MP's to demand he resigns as Prime Minister and stands down as Party leader.

Blair has refused to name a date for his resignation and seems determined to be the first captain to take his ship down with him.
The Labour Party is presently tearing itself to pieces and leaving the Conservatives a seeming "shoo in" at the next elections.

Some time ago I started a thread contending that Blair was in fact mad and was determined to leave the Labour Party unelectable until all his crimes had been forgotten by the electorate and he could return in triumph