The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94465   Message #1829816
Posted By: Hawker
08-Sep-06 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: Fox and Hounds Weekend
Subject: RE: Fox and Hounds Weekend
So all you people who gather at Fox & Hounds each May, what do you think to the rather intriguing local news report I have just watched. We all love our early morning ramble up to the peaks of Dartmoor, some of us, like myself, with dodgy body parts, find it somewhat of an ordeal, but that could soon all end!
There is a planning application pending for a stair-lift to the top of Haytor! I jest not! Mad, mad, mad! I think a chair lift from the camp site to the top would be much more sensible!
What say you?
Cheers, Lucy