The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94505   Message #1829873
Posted By: Donuel
08-Sep-06 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
Subject: RE: BS: Chickens coming home to roost
I have the dvd of the convention of scientists who have studied the WTC demolition and have analyzed the molten debris to be a specific expolsive used only to melt steel.

This is a forbidden topic and a death knell to the political career of anyone who brings it up in the US.



The DOD says they will no longer torture or use specialized techniques that border on torture. They will however reserve the right to prosecute detainees using only hearsay and secret evidence that will not be shared with the defense.

the small print of the the revised standards of engagement says that the CIA may still use whatever methods of torture they deem necessary.