The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94536   Message #1830700
Posted By: 282RA
09-Sep-06 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
Subject: RE: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
>>Liberals are upset that this miniseries points out that the Clinton administration had an opportunity to kill Bin Laden and decided not to. He was too busy not having sex with that woman, I suppose<<

That is certainly not the issue. The issue is that the accounts have been fictionalized so as to be false. It is certainly libelous. If Clinton is in anyway to blame, why can't they depict instead of lying.

It's high time you Bush-loving cut-outs understand that you are the only people left who think blaming Clinton has a shred of credibility. The rest of the country wants real answers.