The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94536   Message #1830818
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Sep-06 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
Subject: RE: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
Donuel, Lindauer comes across as less than credible.

"But psychiatrists say Lindauer suffers from delusions of grandiosity and paranoia, including beliefs that she is an angel and that the intelligence community blew up her computer modem. At least a half-dozen mental health professionals, including a psychiatrist retained by the government, have found Lindauer incompetent to stand trial, U.S. District Judge Michael Mukasey said.

There's More Here

"Lindauer says that she has been subject to intense surveillance, threats, and attacks since she began meeting with Libyan officials in 1995 to discuss her knowledge of the Lockerbie bombing. "Someone put acid on the steering wheel of my car on a day I was supposed to drive to NYC for a meeting at the Libya House. I scrubbed my hands with a toilet brush, but my face was burned so badly that 3 weeks later friends worried I might be badly scarred," Lindauer told MEIB. "Also, my house was bugged with listening devices and cameras -- little red laser lights in the shower vent. And I survived several assassination attempts."

Yeah. Right.